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Interview de Josh Cooke en VO

Interview de Josh Cooke pour ZAP 2 it.


Is your character, New York City novelist Joel, causing trouble in BlueBell, Ala., for his new love, fellow transplanted New Yorker Dr. Zoe Hart ?

Josh Cooke: Sort of, but I think maybe not directly -- maybe indirectly. Actually I caused a little trouble in Episode 3 for Zoe. She is a little hurricane, and Rachel is that way, too. I said to her the other day, "You make it so easy in scenes." She's so simple and easy.

You're wearing the classic hipster glasses sported by many writer types. How do you like them?

Josh CookeI've never worn glasses before, but I kind of like these. I'm a fan of them. I figure, one day, if I need to wear them, I'm going to get them.

Did you know any of the cast before coming to "Hart of Dixie"?

Josh Cooke: Actually, Jaime King and I have worked together before. We did a little movie in Montana together a number of years ago, so it was great to see her yet again. And Rachel and I get along swimmingly well, very similar sense of humor.

What have you learned about your other co-stars?

Josh Cooke: I hear Scott Porter's quite a beatboxer. Apparently he won "Star Search" at one point. He had a group of guys (that sang a cappella).

Did you know Wilson Bethel's (Wade) mother, novelist Joyce Maynard, once lived with J.D. Salinger?

Josh Cooke: What? No, I'll be asking about that. I had no idea.

Ecrit par albi2302 

Interview de Josh Cooke en VF

Interview de Josh Cooke pour ZAP 2 it.


Ecrit par albi2302 
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